PROJECTS (coming soon)



What the hell is
Massive Joy?

Well, Massive Joy was born out of a desire and necessity to create a space to welcome and archive creative projects made purely for the joy of it, to make space for play and fun, connecting with others to tap into the very reason we started doing this in the first place. It’s a place where we celebrate you taking care of your creative and mental health, where you can connect with like-minded weirdos and talk about your projects more in detail than on an Instagram post. Inspire others to do the same.

Whether it’s visual, physical, temporal, musical, ethereal, there’s a place for you on Massive Joy.

Massive Joy is freeform, free to evolve, to expand into the real world, little by little, just like you.

How does it work?

It’s very simple: you have a project you’re really proud of and want to share it somewhere other than the Gram? Send it to us along with BTS if you have some via a Google Drive link, we’ll chat about it, and make a feature about you and your project. This space is really to have an archive space for projects that sparked joy outside of “work”. We want to know about you and your ideas, so we can inspire our peers to rekindle their creative flame through play and exploration.

Or maybe you would like to do something for the sake of joy, but need a bit of motivation, find a collaborator, need a chat, don’t be shy, this is all for fun, no fuss! 
Massive Joy© 2024